Neos Learning

Neos Learning

What We Do

Neos Learning is a niche organisational development consultancy. We know what we are good and, equally, where we have no expertise. We add value to organisations by being current in our thinking. This currency is based on the latest thinking in our areas of specialisation coupled with innovative ways of delivering that learning. Finally, the intervention is always delivered by highly experienced training professionals. Thus, we maintain the highest standards in both design and delivery tailored to the needs of our clients.

What We Do Header

Team Development

High performing teams are created by design, not by chance. We assist teams in realising their potential by designing specific interventions for them that take them on a credible and effective journey towards high performance.

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Strategic Facilitation

Strategy can be at several levels – a whole business, a department or division, a function – even an individual. Using the ‘map analogy’ it is about making a realistic assessment of our present position, stating our intended destination and establishing the routes and options to get there.

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Leadership Development

Given the increasing pace of change within organisations, the need for effective leadership is an absolute necessity. The key element of developing such leadership though is practical ideas not theoretical knowledge.

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Commericiality and Finance

Understanding finance is crucial at all levels in a business – it enables people to make more appropriate and better decisions throughout their area of business responsibility. Each course is tailored to ensure that we work on the areas most pertinent to each group of delegates.

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Strategic and Innovative thinking

Good thinking it at an absolute premium in business. Neos provide training courses on strategic thinking, innovative thinking and sometimes also combine the two. Each course gives the delegates a range of appropriate tools to make them more effective in their roles.

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Performance Management

Performance management done well is a huge advantage to any organisation. Performance management done badly is worse than not doing it at all! What are the skills, processes and attitudes required to get performance management ‘right’?

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Internal Branding

As brands become more influential and compelling to our customers, so does that the need to have an organisation that aligns to the principles represented by it. However, this alignment is not a simple process. How do you do it effectively?

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The Professional Trainer Center

The creation of innovative and effective training and development interventions is made even more important with a desire to increase the return on investment from them. This programme shows you how to do it well.

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Speaking at Conferences

The Neos team have addressed business conferences from Antwerp to Zurich, Austria to Zambia, Liverpool to Los Angeles, Cape Town to Colombo. A Neos speaker can engage, educate and enthuse your audience at almost any business conference.

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Organising conferences

The biggest cost of many Conferences is getting people to it. The thing that is least invested in is the process they follow once they are there. The team at Neos have great experience designing and creating Conferences for organisations across the globe that are powerful learning events.

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